Learn “How to Ace APCC” at Common Time on Oct. 23

All faculty, staff members, and administrators are invited to Common Time on Monday, October 23, for a lively presentation on “How to Ace APCC.”

This in-person-only Common Time is from 3 to 4:30 p.m., in the Conference Center.

The Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee (APCC) co-chairs, Professor Jen Martin and Professor Abbey Yee, will discuss basic elements that should be considered by anyone working on (or wondering about) course and curriculum development and revision processes– including what to consider before you lock-in your course and curriculum decisions.

Abbey and Jen will cover topics such as how to determine the content for a course, how to choose appropriate prerequisites and co-requisites, and how to assemble the courses in a curriculum to enhance student success.

Program chairs, department chairs, and course-keepers are encouraged to attend, along with teaching faculty, academic administrators, and staff of student service offices, so all members of the College community can have better informed and more thoughtful conversations about Cincinnati State curriculum and coursework.


Each year, typically starting in Spring Semester, the Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee reviews all proposals for new and revised courses and curriculums. The committee includes faculty and academic administrators from each academic division, as well as representatives from the Registrar’s Office and other College departments.

The courses and curriculums approved by APCC are forwarded to the Provost’s Office for final review before inclusion in the College Catalog.

APCC also reviews requests for changes to current academic policies and proposals for new academic policies.

APCC is currently reviewing the last portions of information that will appear in the catalog for the 2024-25 academic year. The new and revised items that APCC will review starting in Spring 2024 will go into effect in academic year 2025-26.