Common Time on Sep. 18 reports on CState Student Communications Audit & how you can help improve confusing College messages

Recently, Cincinnati State received the results of an analysis and assessment of nearly 200 messages that were sent to prospective and current students from College business offices, academic divisions, and student support service departments. These communications play a key role in enrollment, retention, and student success.

At Common Time on Monday, Sep. 18, Greg Gantzer and Todd Vura from Locale, the marketing/advertising agency that conducted the communications audit, will report on what was learned about strengths and weaknesses of the messages Cincinnati State students are receiving from the College.

The session will also explore opportunities to change College communications in ways that will improve engagement, increase action, and deliver a positive experience for current and future students.

Common Time starts at 3 p.m. in the Main Building Conference Center, and is open to all Cincinnati State employees. Those who can’t attend in person may join on Zoom.

  • ID: 842 4318 3485
  • Passcode: 384689

As a follow-up to this Common Time, at Convocation on Sep. 22 Greg and Todd will lead breakout sessions open to all interested employees on how to implement systematic, incremental improvements in the student-focused messages you create.