New Self-Service online tools for Faculty replace MyServices & Starfish No-Show reporting

Self-Service– the set of updated software tools that replace MyServices online tools– is now live for faculty activities such as checking course rosters and soon will be used to turn in No-Show reports for students who do not attend any classes during the first two weeks of the semester.

During the week of May 29, faculty members teaching Summer 15-week classes will receive an email message from the Registrar’s Office with instructions for the No-Show process for Summer.

  • Self-Service provides essentially the same functionality as MyServices, but the look and some operations are slightly different.
  • Self-Service for students and for advising functions was activated during Spring Semester.

Faculty members seeking additional information can view “Self-Service Q&A for Employees” after logging in to your Blackboard Courses page.

  • Look for the “My Organizations” list on the left side of the page (to the left of your list of Blackboard courses) and then look for the “Self-Service Q&A” link.
  • In the menu on the left side of the “Self-Service Q&A” page, click “Content” to see videos, training materials, and information about Self-Service tools for students and for advisors.
  • Additional videos and training materials will be posted soon to explain how to navigate the new Faculty section of Self-Service, use the new process for turning in No-Show reports, and submit grades.
    • Faculty will no longer receive No-Show email messages from Starfish.
    • End-of-semester grade reporting will be moved to Self-Service also.

Currently, links to both Self-Service and MyServices appear after logging in to MyCState. After all functions have been moved to Self-Service, the MyServices links will be removed.

If you are providing support to students, please refer students to the “Welcome to Self-Service” page on the College website for additional information and assistance.

If you have questions about the Self-Service functions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at