Common Time on Apr. 3 will report on CCP

Members of Cincinnati State’s College Credit Plus (CCP) Committee will provide an update on CCP activities during Common Time on Monday, April 3.

All faculty, staff members, and administrators are invited to Common Time (3 to 4:30 p.m. in the Main Building Conference Center) to learn more about CCP programming and students.

  • Meeting ID: 867 4596 8776 | Passcode: 672280

College Credit Plus (formerly known as “dual enrollment”) is the statewide program that allows high school students to earn credit for high school requirements by taking college courses, while also earning college credit for these classes.

  • Cincinnati State CCP students may attend College courses on-campus or online, or may attend special sections of Cincinnati State courses offered at their high school.
  • In Spring Semester 2023, CCP students account for 36% of College enrollment headcount, and 25% of total credit hours.

Topics to be covered during Common Time include:

  • what is CCP and how does it work?
  • the latest data on enrollment and growth of CCP
  • the mission and accomplishments of the CCP Committee
  • guidelines for faculty members who oversee CCP high school instructors and curriculum
  • plans for a new college-wide summer CCP orientation
  • discussion of ideas for growth and development of CCP

If you have questions, please contact Heather Hatchett at