When you meet prospective students, please ask them to complete the CState “Inquire” form

The Cincinnati State Office of Admissions asks faculty and staff members who meet with prospective students to please encourage the prospects to complete the short “Inquire” form (seen above).

A link to the form is located at the top of each page of the College website (illustration at right), or can be reached directly at https://www.cincinnatistate.edu/inquire.

Debbie Poweleit, Director of Admissions, said, “Collecting this contact information helps us streamline our communications from the College to potential new students.”

Debbie added, “If you hear from a prospective student in a phone call or email message, please forward the call or message to Admissions (adm@cincinnatistate.edu or 513-569-1544) and we will collect the information and follow up with the prospective student about next steps.”