CState COVID safety guidelines revised for Fall 2022

To ensure the continued safety of the Cincinnati State community, the Responsibility Statements for students and employees, and the flowchart with guidelines for what to do if students or employees test positive for COVID-19, have been revised.

The revisions are consistent with the most recent CDC guidelines for isolation and masking that were issued on August 11, 2022.

The revised College guidelines are published on the College’s COVID-19 web page.

Students or employees who test positive for COVID-19 continue to be required to isolate (stay home) for at least 5 days and to notify instructors/supervisors of the positive test.

  • After 5 days of isolation, whether the student/employee should continue to isolate depends on if they have symptoms of COVID. However, for those who can end isolation, wearing a high-quality mask (N95 or KN95) for an additional 5 days is required.
    • Masks will continue to be available at several locations on each campus, and additional high-quality masks can be requested if needed.
  • Those who were exposed to someone with COVID-19 (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more during a 24-hour period) but have not tested positive are expected to wear a high-quality mask for 10 days following the exposure, but are not required to isolate.

The College COVID-19 page also includes links to resources on how to get a COVID-19 test (including requesting free at-home tests) and how to obtain medication in case of a positive COVID test.

Cincinnati State’s revised guidelines were reviewed by the members of the Academic Response Team, members of the College’s Executive Team, and the Director of Human Resources.

Additional guidelines and resources for faculty and academic staff members will be distributed this week via communication from division deans.