Dedicated employees defeated the winter storm distress

The build-up of ice, sleet, freezing rain, and snow acquired during last week’s storm is now starting to melt away… but before those bad weather days are just a memory, take a moment to appreciate our colleagues who cleared the way for a safe return on Monday.

While you monitored the weather, and got some work done remotely from the comfort of home, the Facilities crew of Brian Blamer, Andrew Chapman, Jason Hirth, and Donny Douglas made sure Clifton Campus driveways were plowed, paths were cleared, and steps were made safe. (See photos above and below)

Interim Vice President of Administration John Tafaro said, “Our Facilities crew members showed amazing dedication, skill, and stamina.”

“They worked around the clock, starting at 6 a.m. Thursday, and throughout the 4-day ‘long weekend.’ Some even spent the night in order to get the job done, getting precious little sleep on cots set up in the Facilities office.”

“This storm was extremely challenging,” said Kim Vasko, Director of Buildings, Maintenance, and Grounds. “The combination of ice and snow required aggressive action and multiple applications of salt, beet juice, and other strategies to stay ahead of the situation.”

“Thankfully, we had a dedicated and determined staff that worked on Sunday and, with the help of some sunshine, we had campus ready to welcome back students, faculty, and staff on Monday morning.”

Congratulations to the Facilities team on a job well done!

(Photos provided by John Tafaro)

Above: Brian Blamer and Jason Hirth cleared steps to the Health Professions Building on Feb. 6.

Below: Jason Hirth and Donny Douglas worked on campus sidewalks and driveways on Feb. 3.

Below: Andrew Chapman removed hazards from Parking Lot A on Feb. 4.