Masks now required while indoors on all campuses

A new COVID safety guideline requiring masks for all while indoors goes into effect today, Aug. 4, 2021, on all Cincinnati State campuses.

The policy statement below was distributed to students and employees on Aug. 3, using email and text messaging.

Because our campuses are located in areas where state and local health officials have indicated high risk of the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant, effective Wednesday, August 4, masks are required indoors and in parking garages on Cincinnati State campuses for all persons, vaccinated and unvaccinated.

  • A mask is not required when eating, but physical distancing is advised.
  • A mask is not required when you are working alone in your office.
  • Masks are available if needed from the Welcome Center and various locations on Clifton Campus and on all other campuses

COVID-19 vaccines have proven to be highly effective. If you have not yet gotten a vaccine, we urge you to do so. The more of us who are vaccinated, the sooner we can return to a fully mask-less environment, and in the meantime save lives.

For more information about scheduling a vaccine appointment, visit

The College’s Academic Response Team (ART) continues to meet regularly to review recommendations from state and local health agencies and provide guidelines on safety protocols for Cincinnati State classes, labs, and academic support areas.

ART is led by Provost Robbin Hoopes and includes representatives of Cincinnati State faculty and academic administrators.

ART members are currently reviewing a revised Student Responsibility Statement that will be distributed prior to the start of Fall Semester classes. A draft of the revised statement was provided to all faculty members via email from Provost Hoopes on Aug. 2.