Cookies with Santa 2020 maintained distance, and fun

Dec 11, 2020

Cincinnati State’s Student Activities office hosted the annual “Cookies with Santa” event this year without the cookies– but with gifts and plenty of smiles, even when smiling from behind a mask.

About 40 families participated in the drive-through event on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 10 a.m. to noon.

  • Student Activities reached out to students in November, via email, inviting those with young children to join the event.
  • Students filled out an eform to give Santa and his elves information about the kids and their holiday wishes. Then Santa’s crew went shopping to fulfill requests.

Parents and kids remained in the car and Santa handed them gifts, treats, and crafts to take home and enjoy.

Many kids brought letters to deposit in Santa’s mailbox.

Those on the scene reported that the participating children were happy to see Santa this year, and they hope that sitting on Santa’s lap to share their wishes in person can resume next year.