CState Fall success recognized in WCPO-TV news story

Oct 30, 2020

Cincinnati State’s success in boosting Fall enrollment was the focus of a news story aired on WCPO-TV on Oct. 28. (Click the image above to watch the story.)

Reporter Josh Bazan noted that while many colleges and universities have experienced declining Fall enrollment as a result of the pandemic, Cincinnati State had a small increase this semester.

President Monica Posey says in the story that the rise in enrollment reflects the College’s “ability to respond to offer the programs and services that individuals need during this time, but also to make sure we have a very safe environment.”

Dr. Posey said College faculty and staff members “did a tremendous job of planning to address needs,” with focus on safety and quality of instruction.

Dr. Posey also points out in the news story that Cincinnati State “fills an important role in times of economic downturn and uncertainty” by providing opportunities for people in Greater Cincinnati to learn skills needed to find work and new careers during a difficult job market.