Dr. Posey to provide College update at 4:30 today

President Monica Posey will update employees today (Sep. 11) about the water line break that closed Clifton Campus from Aug. 31 to Sep. 8, and discuss anticipated next steps.

The Update takes place from 4:30 to 5 p.m. via Zoom.

The Zoom meeting link is https://cincinnatistate-edu.zoom.us/j/83514873117?pwd=N3NVNjA3VTNYb210dHRZYldxc0MxZz09

Meeting ID: 835 1487 3117  |  Passcode: 941981

For additional ways to connect to the meeting, see the email message from Dr. Posey sent on Sep. 10, about 3:45 p.m.