CState adjunct is chef in local festival

Madeline Ndambakuwa, a Cincinnati State graduate and an adjunct instructor of Communications, is participating as one of five guest chefs for “del-ish-us,” the virtual 2020 version of “ish: Cincinnati’s Jewish and Israeli Arts and Cultural Festival.”

Madeline will be preparing meals from Israeli-British Chef Yotam Ottelenghi’s new cookbook, Flavor, as part of a virtual conversation and to-go meal experience with Chef Ottelenghi. The event takes place Tuesday, Dec. 8, starting at 7 p.m.

  • More information about the festival, including how to purchase tickets for the “Flavors-to-go” experiences, is available at https://www.ishfestival.org/yotam.html
  • Madeline is representing The Welcome Project, a local non-profit organization that empowers marginalized and at risk refugees and immigrants by providing education and skills training, employment opportunities, and connections to the greater Cincinnati community.
  • In addition to cooking, Madeline will co-host a “behind-the-recipe” Q&A event with Kate Zaidan of Findlay Market’s Dean’s Mediterranean Imports, which will follow the program with Chef Ottelenghi. Kate is the host for the conversation with Chef Ottelenghi.

The mission of the ish Festival is “to bring artists and communities together to explore Jewish and Israeli cultural traditions through the arts.” Other activities of this organization include events and services that build community connections for families, young professionals, and older Jewish adults.